Peggy Kirschner & Bonnie Stuto |
November 17th brought out the unusual hats. Members and their guests wore hats and received white hats with the new Wigwam logo ball markers designed for this event.
Elsie Wilner, Barb Everts |
It was a beautiful sunny day on the Blue course. The tournament was a two best ball of the foursome event. Each foursome received a metalic colored ball with a 'mad hatter' hat painted on it. Each player had to hit and score that ball at least 4 times each on the round. The mad hatter ball counted for one of the scores and lowest net ball of the remaining three players counted.
There were three flights each consisting of three teams of foursomes:
Winners were:
the Cheshire Cats:
1st Boggs, Caverno, Wilner & Koester
2nd Nelson, Knief, McVety, Collins (won a ball for wearing the hat that was closest to the theme)
the Rabbits:
1st Kennell, May, Gaines, Fallon
2nd Van Wagner, Kitchel, Gannon, Francis
the Mad Hatters:
1st Haroldson, Johnson, Morgan, DeMotties
2nd Kirschvink, Dejarnette, Carter, Flax
Lunch in the West Room of Red's Bar & Grill was delicious!
JoAnn Dun |