Congratulations to the new officers and board of directors who were elected by the members on March 8, 2012
l to R: Cathy Gaines, Shel Taylor, Angie Moore, Tessie Van Wagner, Ann Stoneback, Wendy Morgan, Mary Ellen Gannon & Judy Kennell |
President - Judy Kennell
Vice President - Mary Ellen Gannon
Secretary - Donna Robitaille
Treasurer - Cathy Gaines
Publicity - Wendy Morgan & Ann Stoneback
Tournament Chairperson - Tessie Van Wagner
Members at Large - Shel Taylor & Angie Moore
Social Chairpersons - tba
A very big
THANK YOU To The Monthly Chairpersons & Tournament Chairpersons who did a great job of conducting the Thursday events and major tournaments this season.
September - Marge Dick & Diane Haller
October - Doris Armstrong & Betty Scott
November - Cactus Cup - Barb Everts & Tessie Van Wagner
Member Guest - Mary Ellen Gannon & Tessie Van Wagner
December - Sheila Riordan & Terry Barker
January - Linda Farmin & Barb Mulvaine
Partnership Eclectic - Suzanne Boyer & Tessie Van Wagner
February - Suzanne Boyer & Dale Curley
Triad - Terry Barker & Shel Taylor
March - Carol Thomas & Joan Cappel
Rally for the Cure - Barbie and Joe Paulson
Invitational - Betty Scott, Chairperson assisted by Di Carter & Donna Robitaille
April - Ro McVety & Caroline Davis
Club Championship - Tynette DeSino & Angie Moore
May - Tynette DeSino and Michele Schuck
We cannot be remiss and not THANK Terry Barker who handled the Handicaps, Molly Van Marter, calculator of the Birdies and Putts, Carol Thomas keeper of the Ringers, Dee Mayben Ruler of the Rules and Peggy Kirschner & Sheila Riordan directors of the holes in one.
Also the Outgoing Officers and Board of Directors:
L to R: Di Carter, Tessie Van Wagner, Elizabeth Nelson Cathy Gaines, Terry Barker, Diane Sullivan, Maxine Golinda, Sandy Camp |
Elizabeth Nelson - President
Judy Kennell - Vice President
Secretary - Mary Ellen Gannon
Treasurer - Terry Barker
Tournaments - Tessie Van Wagner & Barb Everts
Publicity - Di Carter & Ann Polumbus
Social - Sandy Camp & Cathy Gaines
Members at Large - Diane Sullivan & Maxine Golenda