September Tournament Coordinators - Marge Dick & Diane Haller
Diane Haller |
September 27th
Fourteen ladies met on the Heritage/Red Course at 8:00 a.m. to play CRISS CROSS. All 18 holes are played then the best score on the 1st and 10th holes is posted on the score card, then the 2nd hole and the 11th hole's lowest score is posted, etc. 9 scores are added up and 1/2 handicap is deducted. The winners were:First Flight - First: Cook 31, Second: Van Marter 31.5, Third, tie: DeSino, Wilner 32.5
Second Flight - First: Prill 29.5, Second: Nelson 30, Third: Taylor 32
Third Flight _ First: Camp 30, Second: Mulvaine 34.5, Third: Buttemiller 35.5
September 13th
It was the Gold Course these brave women attacked and played a stableford contest.RESULTS
First Flight- First: Gaines 36, Second: Wilner 33, Third: Barker 32
Second Flight - First: Nelson 35, Second Prill 31, Tie for Third: Buttemiller & Armstrong 30.
Third Flight - First: Camp 37, Second: Haller 26, Third: Dick 24
September 6th
Members started the 2012-2013 WWGA golfing season showed up early to play the Red (Heritage) Course--the first "play day" of the new season.
Left to Right: Diane Haller, Doris Kirshvink, Leona Neulieb, Barbara Mulvaine, Harriet Buttemiller, Marge Dick |
RESULTS - Heritage Course, Just count scores on Even Holes
First Flight - First: Prill 36, Tie for Second: Taylor 39, Barker 39
Second Flight - First: Buttemiller 38, Second: Haller 39, Third: Nelson 41
Third Flight - First: Kirschvink 44.5, Second: Camp 46, Third: Dick 48.5