Thursday, February 25, 2016

Medallion Tournament - Pebble Creek

January 17, 18

The annual Arizona Women's Golf Association Tournament -- The Medallion was played at Pebble Creek this year. Robin Cook and Beth Maynard represented WWGA. They captured fourth place net.

Good going girls!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Partnership Eclectic

January 21 & 28

The annual Partnership Eclectic took place on the Patriot Course this year. Sandy Camp & Beth Maynard, last year's winners, organized the event for the Women's Golf Association.

Beth Maynard & Sandy Camp Defending Champions

Mike Wegner

Sandy Camp

Ro McVety, Diane Sullivan, Sheila Riordan, Dale Curley
WINNERS - OVERALL: Sandy Camp & Beth Maynard--kept the crown

1st place: Deb Smith & Carol Erickson
2nd place: Robin Cook & Elsie Wilner
3rd place: Angie Moore & Liz Nelson

1st place: Margaret Price & Shel Taylor
2nd place: Denise James & Amy Flinn
3rd place: Jan Boggs & Dixie DeWitt

1st place: Barbara Everts & Ann Stoneback
2nd place: Juldy Wilson & Diane Haller
3rd place: Laurel Prill & Marge Dick

Closest to the Pin: #17 Robin Cook, #15 Elsie Wilner

Honorable Mention - Most Improved
1st flight: Dale Curley
2nd flight: Betty Scott
3rd flight: Harriet Buttemiller