April 28th - AC BD Tournament
First Place: Denise James, Judy Wilson, Diana Carter, Ann DeBoer
Second Place: Denise James Shel Taylor, Carol Erickson, Jean Mills
Third Place: Beth Maynard, Cathy Gaines, Liz Nelson, Cyndi Bennett
This year's Medallion winners: Beth Maynard, Gross score winner and Betty Scott, Net score winner. They play in the AWGA Medallion tournament to be held at Pebble Creek in January of 2017. Congratulations to both of you!
This year's Medallion winners: Beth Maynard, Gross score winner and Betty Scott, Net score winner. They play in the AWGA Medallion tournament to be held at Pebble Creek in January of 2017. Congratulations to both of you!
And a fabulous luncheon following golf at the Arizona Kitchen at the Wigwam Resort.
Buono Appetito! Deb Smith, Linda Cole, Di Carter did a magnifico job setting tables with their Italian theme. Here are the Pictures -- words don't do it justice.

Peggy Kirschner, President, thanked her board, said a lot of KIND things about a lot of the women who worked hard this season to make golfing for our membership fun and rewarding.
Suzanne Boyer & Peggy Kirschner |
Suzanne, Tournament Chairperson, presented the awards to this year's superstars and Peggy handed the gavel to Suzanne, next year's President.