Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Team Shootout

The Wigwam Women's Golf Association  team gathered on the Heritage course for the annual Shoot Out and year end party. This year's team won third place in net score and only missed second by 1/2 point.

Party at Denise James home, also hosted by Wendy Woodard, this year's Team Captain.

Year end party hosted by Co Captains Wendy Woodard and Denise James

Beth Maynard won the shootout! Congratulations Beth!

Closing Luncheon

A lovely luncheon was organized by Deb Smith and Linda Cole at the Wigwam Resort.

Incoming Board for 2017-2018 Amy Flinn, Suzanne Boyer, Beth Maynard, Angie Moore, Wendy Woodard, Cathy Gaines, Betty Scott

Deb Smith - honored as Most Valuable Member for her wonderful work on the three social luncheons held during the last two seasons. Congratulations Deb! Well Deserved

April Showers