Saturday, December 15, 2018


DECEMBER 6, 2018

THE WEATHER WAS COLD AND RAINY. We held out until the last minute but felt it was necessary to cancel the golf because the weather forecast was dismal for the day. People were cancelling golf, so Ellen and I decided to send a message to our players, telling them since the weather is not cooperating we were cancelling golf. We knew the short notice would not get to all the players and some members showed up to the ladies locker room. They were rewarded with a big surprise.

Susie Vanderwey, Kim Grey, Dee Perez surprised us with a lovely breakfast with bloody mary's, eggs, sandwiches, candy. Yum.

Surprise goodies

Claudia - takes good care of us!

Kim Grey & Susie Vanderwey

Arizona Room - Christmas lunch centerpieces 

Master of Ceremonies - Mary Cavanaugh
Reads the directions from Pat Gustafson who couldn't attend but arranged the lovely luncheon at the Wigwam Resort.

The Centerpieces at the luncheon were prepared by the dynamic and creative Deb Smith. A silent auction was held to raise money with the proceeds going to the Wounded Warriors. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018


 TEAM Equinox - WINS

Angie Moore and Jean Mills headed up the teams at the annual Cactus Cup tournament.
Angie Moore and Jean Mills

Solstice TEAM AKA: losers

28 players were split into the Equinox and Solstice teams. Angie was captain of the Solstice team and Jean was captain of the Equinox team.
Beth Maynard - President on the looser Solstice Team

Di Carter & Terry Barker - Solstice TEAM

Final Scores

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


OCTOBER 25TH an official start to the season. 30 members came for a scramble on the RED course.


1st - Angie Moore, Liz Nelson, Carol Erickson
2nd - Gail Kyle, Belva Collier, Sheila Riordan, Shel Taylor
3rd - Susie Vanderwey, Cathi Carmichael, Mary Cavanaugh, Toni Qualls

Lunch at Litchfield's was lovely. Pat Gustafson decorated the tables in Fall/Halloween theme. She then had a fun contest to distribute the centerpieces.

Robin Cook, flashy lady

76th Season of Women's Golf at the Wigwam

A new board was installed last June

President - Beth Maynard
Vice-President - Mary Cunningham
Secretary - Teri Goldade
Treasurer - Angie Moore
Tournament Chairs - Tessie Van Wagner & Ellen Alvarado
Publicity - Toni Qualls
Social - Pat Gustofson
Member at Large - Belva Collier

Congratulations to one and all and thank you for volunteering your time and efforts to make our golfing season spectacular!



The first major event of the season started with the Individual Eclectic. Angie Moore won last year so she organized the event this time. 30 members played the RED course twice, once on the 11th of October and again on the 18th of October. It was cart path only due to the overseeing but we allowed lift clean and place on the fairway.


FIRST FLIGHT - 1st Deb Smith, 2nd Beth Maynard, 3rd Denise James

SECOND FLIGHT - 1st Liz Nelson, 2nd Tessie Van Wagner, 3rd Amy Flinn

THIRD FLIGHT - 1st Toni Qualls, 2nd Ellen Alvarado, 3rd Judy Wilson

OVERALL WINNER for a second time in a row: ANGIE MOORE